Vue.component('products_view', { template: `
رتب حسب
القائمة فارغة
`, props: ['url_template', 'search_query', 'site_url', 'selected_category_id', 'sort_by'], data: function () { return { page: 0, tag: '', current_page: 0, products: { total_pages: 0, categories: [], list: [] }, categories: [], vendors: [], forceCategoriesIDS: null, forceVendorsIDS: null, is_loading: true, checkbox: true, firstload: true, silentCategoriesUpdate: false, silentVendorsUpdate: false, silentURLUpdate: false, categoriesRefreshCount: 0, vendorsRefreshCount: 0, is_list: true, sound: true, sort_by_model: 'relevance', sort_by_list: [ {text: 'التطابق', value: 'relevance'}, {text: 'أبجدي', value: 'abc'}, {text: 'الأحدث', value: 'most_recent'}, {text: 'السعر (الأقل للأعلى)', value: 'price_lth'}, {text: 'السعر (الأعلى للأقل)', value: 'price_htl'} ], filters_visible: true, filters_visible_btn: 0, show_results: false, load_count: 0, search_query_computed: this.search_query, timeout: null } }, watch: { $route (to, from){ = false; // console.log("page change detected: "+to); }, beforeRouteUpdate (to, from, next) { // react to route changes... // don't forget to call next() // console.log("before route update"); }, current_page: { handler: function (newVal, oldVal) { this.update_products(true); } }, sort_by_model: { handler: function (newVal, oldVal) { this.current_page = 1; this.update_products(false); } }, categories: { handler: function (newVal, oldVal) { if(this.categoriesRefreshCount > 0) { this.current_page = 1; this.update_products(false); } this.categoriesRefreshCount = this.categoriesRefreshCount+1; }, deep: true }, vendors: { handler: function (newVal, oldVal) { if(!this.silentCategoriesUpdate) { this.current_page = 1; this.update_products(false); } this.silentCategoriesUpdate = false; }, deep: true }, search_query_computed: { handler: function (newVal, oldVal) { this.timeout = null; // Make a new timeout set to go off in 800ms var thisThing = this; this.timeout = setTimeout(function () { thisThing.firstload = true; thisThing.load_count = 0; thisThing.current_page = 1; thisThing.update_products(false); }, 500); // $("#master_search_field").val(newVal);; }, deep: true }, filters_visible_btn: { handler: function (newVal, oldVal) { this.filters_visible = !this.filters_visible; } } }, methods: { compileCategs() { var compiled_categs = []; var arrayLength = this.categories.length; for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { var thisCateg = this.categories[i]; if (thisCateg.checked) { compiled_categs.push(; } //Do something } return compiled_categs; }, compileVendors() { var compiled_vendors = []; var arrayLength = this.vendors.length; for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { var thisVendor = this.vendors[i]; if (thisVendor.checked) { compiled_vendors.push(parseInt(; } //Do something } return compiled_vendors; }, update_products(do_scroll) { this.load_count++; var do_update = true; var thisCompo = this; // let's laod the next page var compiled_categs = thisCompo.compileCategs(); var compiled_vendors = thisCompo.compileVendors(); // if (compiled_categs.length > 0 && compiled_vendors.length > 0) { do_update = true; this.show_results = true; // } else { // do_update = false; // this.show_results = false; // } if (!(this.load_count == 1 || this.load_count > 3)) { do_update = false; } if (do_update || this.firstload) { thisCompo.is_loading = true; const params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append('sort_by', thisCompo.sort_by_model); params.append('categories', JSON.stringify(compiled_categs)); params.append('vendors', JSON.stringify(compiled_vendors)); params.append('tag', thisCompo.tag); if(this.selected_category_id != null) { params.append('selected_category_id', this.selected_category_id); } if (this.firstload) { params.append('request_categories_list', true); params.append('request_vendors_list', true); } if (thisCompo.search_query_computed != undefined) { params.append('search_query', thisCompo.search_query_computed); }'{page_number}', thisCompo.current_page), params) .then(function (response) { thisCompo.products =; if (thisCompo.firstload) { thisCompo.categories =; thisCompo.vendors =; } if (!thisCompo.firstload && do_scroll) { $("#products_list").goTo(); } else { thisCompo.firstload = false; } thisCompo.is_loading = false; thisCompo.updateTheURL(); if(thisCompo.forceCategoriesIDS != null) { var changeHappened = false; // console.log("doing the manual checking after force was applied"); var finalCategs = []; var arrayLength = thisCompo.categories.length; // console.log("categs length: "+arrayLength); for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { var thisCateg = thisCompo.categories[i]; // console.log("this categ: "+thisCateg); var checked = (thisCompo.forceCategoriesIDS.indexOf( > -1); if(checked) { changeHappened = true; } thisCateg.checked = checked; finalCategs.push(thisCateg); } // thisCompo.silentCategoriesUpdate = false; thisCompo.categories = finalCategs; thisCompo.forceCategoriesIDS = null; if(thisCompo.forceVendorsIDS != null) { var finalVendors = []; var arrayLengthVendors = thisCompo.vendors.length; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < arrayLengthVendors; i2++) { var thisVendor = thisCompo.vendors[i2]; var checked = (thisCompo.forceVendorsIDS.indexOf(parseInt( > -1); if(checked) { changeHappened = true; } // console.log( + " - "+thisVendor.name_en+" is "+checked); thisVendor.checked = checked; finalVendors.push(thisVendor); } // thisCompo.silentCategoriesUpdate = false; thisCompo.vendors = finalVendors; thisCompo.forceVendorsIDS = null; } if(changeHappened) { thisCompo.update_products(false); } } }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); }); } }, fetchTheURL() { if(!this.silentURLUpdate) { var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1); var result = hash.split('&').reduce(function (result, item) { var parts = item.split('='); result[parts[0]] = parts[1]; return result; }, {}); var foundSomething = false; if(result['tag'] != undefined) { // console.log("requesting force to set vendors"); console.log("got the tag: "+result['tag']); this.tag = result['tag']; } if (result['page'] != undefined) { foundSomething = true; // console.log("setting page to: " + result['page']); = result['page']; this.current_page = result['page']; } if(result['categs'] != undefined) { // console.log("requesting force to set categories"); this.forceCategoriesIDS = JSON.parse(result['categs']); } if(result['vendors'] != undefined) { // console.log("requesting force to set vendors"); this.forceVendorsIDS = JSON.parse(result['vendors']); } if (!foundSomething) { this.categoriesRefreshCount = 4; this.vendorsRefreshCount = 4; } // console.log(result); } this.silentURLUpdate = false; }, updateTheURL() { this.silentURLUpdate = true; var compiled_categs = this.compileCategs(); var compiled_vendors = this.compileVendors(); var finalLocation = document.location.href.split('#')[0]+"#page="+this.current_page+"&categs="+JSON.stringify(compiled_categs)+"&vendors="+JSON.stringify(compiled_vendors); if(this.tag != '') { finalLocation = finalLocation+"&tag="+this.tag; } document.location = finalLocation; } }, created: function () { this.current_page = 1; this.fetchTheURL(); var thisThis = this; $(window).on('hashchange', function() { thisThis.fetchTheURL(); }); if ($(window).width() <= 768) { this.filters_visible_btn = ''; } if(this.sort_by != null) { this.sort_by_model = this.sort_by; } } });